Third Grade

Third Grade

Welcome to the Third Grade!

The Third Grade units are some of my favorite to teach: The calendar (days, months, seasons), important dates, weather, where we live, food, and some of our favorite activities. There are many fun activities that we get to complete as we learn about these topics. The students are able to relate to these units because they describe items and circumstances that they encounter on a daily basis.  By the third grade, students are much more comfortable with Spanish, and I see them willing to take risks.  I will be encouraging them to speak and create with the language within the boundaries of the vocabulary that is most familiar.  I am looking forward to a wonderful year with these students.

Our central idea for Third Grade Spanish is:

                                                 Where you live affects how you live. 

We will be exploring this idea in depth this year within the context of culture, food, families and the home. 

We will be working with storytelling this year as a way of using the language in context. The students will be doing more reading and writing in Spanish than in previous years. However, my primary goal is continued familiarity and comfort in using the language to the best of their abilities. We will also be using an early reader/graphic novel in Spanish as an enrichment activity for additional language exposure.

Building upon previous years' learnings, we start the year in the unit "My Life as a Student." We discuss how students' lives around the world vary, and learn all things calendar. Students have an opportunity to improve their mastery of numbers to 39, as well as the days, months, and dates on the calendar.

Toward the end of the first trimester, we start exploring our central idea through the lens of location and the types of foods we eat. We learn the vocabulary for the foods we eat, but also look at traditional foods and dishes from other countries.  The vocabulary for food (although food vocabulary could be very extensive) is at the end of this page.

We will finish the year studying the vocabulary for our homes and families.  Look for updates closer to the third trimester.

I'm looking forward to working with the students this year.

 To Review at Home:

Los Números


Los Días de la Semana



uno - one

dieciséis - sixteen

lunes - Monday

dos - two

diecisiete - seventeen

martes - Tuesday

tres - three

dieciocho - eighteen

miércoles - Wednesday    

cuatro - four

diecinueve - nineteen

jueves - Thursday

cinco - five

veinte - twenty

viernes - Friday

seis - six

veintiuno - twenty one

sábado - Saturday

siete - seven

veinticinco - twenty five   

domingo - Sunday

ocho - eight

treinta - thirty


nueve - nine


el día - day

diez - ten


la semana - week

once - eleven


hoy - today

doce - twelve


ayer - yesterday

trece - thirteen


mañana - tomorrow

catorce - fourteen


quince - fifteen


Los Colores

verde – green

amarillo – yellow

negro – black

blanco – white

morado – purple

rojo - red

rosado – pink

gris - gray


azul - blue

café – brown anaranjado - orange


La Familia:

la familia-family                la madre-mother                    el padre-father

el hermano-brother          la hermana-sister                   el abuelo-grandpa

la abuela-grandma           grande-large                          pequeño-small

el tío-uncle                       la tía-aunt                               la hija-daughter

el hijo-son                        el primo/la prima-cousin         yo-I



La Casa:

la casa-house               el apartamento-apartment            el dormitorio-bedroom

la sala-living room         la cocina-kitchen                          el baño-bathroom

el comedor-dining room             la puerta-door        el garage-garage

la ventana-window        el jardín-garden                

Mi casa es-My house is      Mi casa tiene-My house has

grande-large                      mediana-medium                            pequeña-small


Las Frutas

las fresas-strawberries

las uvas-grapes

la pera-pear

la manzana-apple

el limón-lemon

la naranja-orange

el plátano-banana

la sandía-watermelon


El Desayuno

los huevos-eggs

las frutas-fruits

el pan tostado-toast

el cereal-cereal

las salchichas-sausages

el tocino-bacon

el jugo-juice

la leche-milk

el café-coffee

el desayuno-breakfast

el chocolate caliente

-hot chocolate

El Almuerzo

el sandwich de-                        la hamburguesa-hamburger               las papas fritas-french fries

el pollo-chicken                        el tomate-tomato                                 la fruta-fruit

el pavo-turkey                          el queso-cheese                                  la ensalada-salad

el jamón-ham                           la lechuga-lettuce                                la mayonesa-mayo

la crema de cacahuate-PB      el perro caliente-hot dog                     la salsa de tomate-ketchup

la mermalada-jelly                    la mostaza-mustard


La Cena

la carne-meat

el pollo-chicken

el pescado-fish

el arroz-rice

las papas-potatos

la zanahoria-carrot

el maíz-corn

el postre-dessert

los frijoles-beans

la sopa-soup

el café-coffee

las verduras-vegetables




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