First Grade

First Grade

Welcome to the First Grade!

This year the students will be incorporating their new reading and writing skills a bit more, but in Spanish. Building upon our units from last year, First Grade students will expand their vocabulary and cultural base to be able to produce more with the language.  Many students are comfortable listening to the language, and can follow what is happening in class.  My goal this year is to challenge them to be risk-takers, and to use the language more often with their peers.

For the first trimester, our unit of study is "Who I Am."  This includes introductions, greetings, age, and numbers 1-10. We practice different ways to answer the question, ¿Cómo estás? (How are you?) We also use stories and simple songs to practice feelings, numbers, and greetings.  To review parts of the body, we use brain breaks and review past, silly stories. 

Our next unit is titled, "What I Eat".  This year we focus on vocabulary for breakfast.  We also look at typical breakfasts from other countries.  Students will complete projects that will be displayed at school, and the assessments will be sent home.

As we begin 2023, we will work in the unit titled, "My Life as a Student."  We will make 'las mochilas' (backpacks) and practice the vocabulary for the items that might be inside.  We will take time to practice the days of the week, and numbers up to 20.

Our last unit of the year will cover 'La Familia'.  We will learn the vocabulary, and then also talk a little about cultural family differences. Stay tuned for updates later in the year!

 I am so excited to have the students in the classroom with me!  Let's have an amazing year!

Greetings and Titles

¡Hola! - Hello, Hi      Adiós - goodbye

Señor, Señora, Señorita - Mr., Mrs., Miss

Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches - Good morning, good afternoon, good evening


Simple Questions

¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo _________. What is your name? My name is ____________________.

¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo _________ años. How old are you? I am __________ years old.

¿Cómo estás? – How are you? -bien, más o menos, mal – good, so-so, bad

-tengo frío, tengo calor- I'm cold, I'm hot

-tengo hambre, tengo sed- I'm hungry, I'm thirsty

Los Colores

rojo – red

azul – blue

verde – green

amarillo – yellow

café – brown

negro – black

blanco – white

morado – purple

anaranjado – orange

rosado – pink

gris - gray


El Cuerpo

la cabeza-head

la nariz-nose

los ojos-eyes

la boca-mouth

los pies-feet

los brazos-arms

las orejas-ears

las manos-hands

las piernas-feet

el cuerpo-body

las rodillas-knees el pelo-hair


For Future Units:

La Familia

la familia-family              la madre-mother         el padre-father           yo-I

el hermano-brother        la hermana-sister       el abuelo-grandpa     

la abuela-grandma         grande-large                pequeño-small          

el gato-cat                       el perro-dog                el pez-fish


Las Frutas

las fresas-strawberries

las uvas-grapes

la pera-pear

la manzana-apple

el limón-lemon

la naranja-orange

el plátano-banana

la sandía-watermelon

la piña-pineapple

El Desayuno

los huevos-eggs

las frutas-fruits

el pan tostado-toast

el cereal-cereal

las salchichas-sausages

el tocino-bacon

el jugo-juice

la leche-milk

el café-coffee

el desayuno-breakfast

el chocolate caliente

-hot chocolate



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